Jumat, 29 April 2016

Migrating from DAO to ADO Using ADO with the Microsoft Jet Provider


This document is a guide to revising code that uses Microsoft® Data Access Objects (DAO) into code that uses Microsoft ActiveX® Data Objects (ADO). It also guides those who are writing new code using ADO with the OLE DB Provider for Microsoft Jet (Microsoft Jet Provider). It compares the general differences between DAO and ADO and details the mapping of objects, properties, and methods from DAO to ADO. It also highlights functional or semantic differences between similarly named methods or properties.
This document assumes that you have already decided to use ADO instead of DAO to access a Microsoft Jet database, or that you are investigating what it will take to port your code from DAO to ADO. It covers some of the advantages of using ADO over DAO. It describes many features of the Microsoft Jet Provider and demonstrates how to use them with ADO. (The ADO documentation is meant to be provider-neutral, so it lacks much of this information.) This document does not attempt to provide in-depth detail on particular objects, properties, or methods. Refer to the online documentation provided with DAO and ADO for specific details on a particular item.

General Differences

Three distinct object models in ADO together provide the functionality found in DAO. These three models are ADO (ADODB), Microsoft ADO Extensions for DDL and Security (ADOX), and Microsoft Jet and Replication Objects (JRO). The functionality of DAO is divided among these three models because many applications will need just one of these subsets of functionality. By splitting the functionality out, applications do not need to incur the overhead of loading additional information into memory unnecessarily. The following sections provide an overview of these three object models.

ADO: Data Manipulation

ADO enables your client applications to access and manipulate data through any OLE DB provider. ADO contains objects for connecting to a data source and reading, adding, updating, or deleting data.
{bmc ADOObjectModel.bmp}
The ADO Connection object defines a session for a user of a particular data source. This differs from DAO in which the Workspace object defines the session for a user and the Database object defines the data source.
The ADO Command object is similar to the DAO QueryDef object in that both objects can be used to execute an SQL statement against a data source. Likewise, the Recordset object in both ADO and DAO can be used to view the contents of a table or the results from executing an SQL statement.

ADOX: Data Definition and Security

The ADOX model contains objects for data definition (such as tables, views, and indexes) and creating and modifying users and groups. With ADOX, an administrator can control database schema and grant and revoke permissions on objects to users and groups.
{bmc ADOXObjectModel1.bmp}
The Catalog object is the container for the data definition collections (Tables, Procedures, and Views) and the security collections (Users and Groups). This differs from DAO in which the Database object contains the data definition collections and the Workspace object contains the security collections. Each Catalog object is associated with only one Connection whereas a DAO Workspace may contain multiple Databases.
The Table, Index, and Column objects in ADO are roughly equivalent to the TableDef, IndexDef, and Field objects in DAO. Each of these objects also has a standard ADO Properties collection.
{bmc ADOXObjectModel2.bmp}

JRO: Replication

The JRO model contains objects, properties, and methods for creating, modifying, and synchronizing replicas. It is designed specifically for use with the Microsoft Jet Provider. Unlike ADO and ADOX, JRO cannot be used with data sources other than Microsoft Jet databases.
The primary object in the JRO model is the Replica object. The Replica object is used to create new replicas, to retrieve and modify properties of an existing replica, and to synchronize changes with other replicas. This differs from DAO in which the Database object is used for these tasks.
JRO also includes a JetEngine object for two specific Microsoft Jet database engine features: compacting the database and refreshing data from the memory cache.
{bmc JROObjectModel.bmp}

Getting Started

To run the code examples in this document, you need references to the ADO, ADOX, and JRO type libraries in your database or project. By default, new Microsoft Access 2000 databases have a reference to ADO. However, to run these samples you'll need to add references to ADOX and JRO. If you converted an existing database to Access 2000 or are programming in Microsoft Visual Basic® or some other application, you will need to include all of the references yourself.
To add these references in Access 2000:
1.    Open a module.
2.    From the Tools menu select References…
3.    From the list, select "Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.1 Library."
4.    From the list, select "Microsoft ADO Ext. 2.1 for DDL and Security."
5.    From the list, select "Microsoft Jet and Replication Objects 2.1 Library."
6.    Click OK.
To add these references in Visual Basic:
1.    Open a project.
2.    From the Project menu select References…
3.    From the list, select "Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.1 Library."
4.    From the list, select "Microsoft ADO Ext. 2.1 for DDL and Security."
5.    From the list, select "Microsoft Jet and Replication Objects 2.1 Library."
6.    Click OK.
If you include references to both ADO and DAO in the same project, you need to explicitly specify which library to use when declaring objects because DAO and ADO include several objects with the same names. For example, both models include a Recordset object, so the following code is ambiguous: 

Dim rst as Recordset

To specify which object model you want to use, include a qualifier as shown:
Dim rstADO As ADODB.Recordset
Dim rstDAO As DAO.Recordset

If the qualifier is omitted, Visual Basic for Applications will choose the object from the model that is referenced first. So if your list of references is ordered as follows in the References dialog box, an object declared as Recordset with no qualifier would be a DAO Recordset.
Visual Basic for Applications
Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.1 Library
Microsoft ADO Ext. 2.1 for DDL and Security
Microsoft Jet and Replication Objects 2.1 Library
