Two kinds of fields in a Microsoft Jet database
are used to store lengthy values. Pictures, OLE objects, or whole files can be
stored in an OLE object field as binary data. An OLE object field is also
called a Binary Large OBject (BLOB) field. A Memo field stores text data only.
Memo fields are sometimes called BLOB fields, too, but that is somewhat
misleading. A Memo field is merely a variable-length text field. Both fields
are handled similarly.
Large variable-length fields like these must be
handled differently than ordinary fixed-length fields, such as integer and date
fields. Typically, a variant, a string, or a dynamic byte array is used to read
or update the value of the field. However, sometimes the length of the data
stored in the field will be too large to store at once in a variant. Breaking
the data into smaller, manageable chunks reduces the memory that must be
allocated to work with these values. The GetChunk and AppendChunk methods of the Field
objects in DAO and ADO break up the data in these fields into smaller chunks.
The following listings demonstrate how to use GetChunk to read large values from a memo field.
Sub DAOReadMemo()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim sNotes As String
Dim sChunk As String
Dim cchChunkReceived As Long
Dim cchChunkRequested As Long
Dim cchChunkOffset As Long
' Open the database
Set db = DBEngine.OpenDatabase(".\NorthWind.mdb")
' Open the Recordset
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset _
("SELECT Notes FROM Employees", dbOpenDynaset)
' Initialize offset
cchChunkOffset = 0
' cchChunkRequested artifically set low at 16
' to demonstrate looping
cchChunkRequested = 16
' Loop through as many chunks as it takes
' to read the entire BLOB into memory
' Temporarily store the next chunk
sChunk = rst!Fields("Notes").GetChunk _
(cchChunkOffset, cchChunkRequested)
' Check how much we got
cchChunkReceived = Len(sChunk)
' Adjust offset for next iteration
cchChunkOffset = cchChunkOffset + cchChunkReceived
' If we got anything,
' concatenate it to the main BLOB
If cchChunkReceived > 0 Then
sNotes = sNotes & sChunk
End If
Loop While cchChunkReceived = cchChunkRequested
' For this example, print the value of
' the Notes field for just the first record
Debug.Print sNotes
' Close the recordset
End Sub
Sub ADOReadMemo()
Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim sNotes As String
Dim sChunk As String
Dim cchChunkReceived As Long
Dim cchChunkRequested As Long
' Open the connection
cnn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=.\NorthWind.mdb;"
' Open the recordset
rst.Open "SELECT Notes FROM Employees ", _
cnn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
' cchChunkRequested artifically set low at 16
' to demonstrate looping
cchChunkRequested = 16
' Loop through as many chunks as it takes
' to read the entire BLOB into memory
' Temporarily store the next chunk
sChunk = rst.Fields("Notes").GetChunk(cchChunkRequested)
' Check how much we got
cchChunkReceived = Len(sChunk)
' If we got anything,
' concatenate it to the main BLOB
If cchChunkReceived > 0 Then
sNotes = sNotes & sChunk
End If
Loop While cchChunkReceived = cchChunkRequested
' For this example, print the value of
' the Notes field for just the first record
Debug.Print sNotes
' Close the recordset
End Sub
The code to use GetChunk
and AppendChunk in ADO is similar to the code in DAO.
In the DAO example, the offset to read the next chunk of data from the field
must be explicitly calculated and given as a parameter to the GetChunk
method. In ADO, the Recordset stores the offset for
consecutive GetChunk calls on the same field
automatically. Any clones of the Recordset share this
offset. This offset is automatically incremented as you call call GetChunk consecutively on a single field. Reading from a
different field in the Recordset or moving the Recordset to a different record will reset the offset to the
beginning of the field.
The following listings demonstrate how to update
binary data in an OLE object field without using the GetChunk
or AppendChunk methods.
Sub DAOUpdateBLOB()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim rgPhoto() As Byte
' Open the database
Set db = DBEngine.OpenDatabase(".\NorthWind.mdb")
' Open the Recordset
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset( _
"SELECT Photo FROM Employees", dbOpenDynaset)
' Get the first photo
rgPhoto = rst.Fields("Photo").Value
' Move to the next record
' Put the Recordset in Edit Mode
' Copy the photo into the next record
rst.Fields("Photo").Value = rgPhoto
' Save the changes you made to the
' current record in the Recordset
' Close the recordset
End Sub
Sub ADOUpdateBLOB()
Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim rgPhoto() As Byte
' Open the connection
cnn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=.\NorthWind.mdb;"
' Open the recordset
rst.Open "SELECT Photo FROM Employees ", _
cnn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
' Get the first photo
rgPhoto = rst.Fields("Photo").Value
' Move to the next record
' Copy the photo into the next record
rst.Fields("Photo").Value = rgPhoto
' Save the changes you made to the
' current record in the Recordset
' Close the recordset
End Sub
The code for updating binary data without using GetChunk or AppendChunk is almost
identical to the code for updating ordinary fields such as text, numeric, or
date fields. The only difference is that it uses a dynamic byte array to store
the values. The previous ADO code shows
the same differences from DAO as was shown earlier in the example for Updating
a Record.