Jumat, 29 April 2016

Making Objects Local or Replicable

By default, when a database is made replicable all objects in that database will be replicated. If you do not want an object replicated you must indicate that the object should not be replicated (that is, it should remain local) before you make the database replicable.
In contrast, when you create a new table, query, form, report, macro, or module at a replica, the object is considered local and is stored only at that replica. If you want users at other replicas to be able to use the object, you must make it replicable.
This following listings demonstrate how to indicate that an object should be kept local when the database is made replicable.

Sub DAOKeepObjectLocal()
   Dim dbsNorthwind As DAO.Database
   Dim docTemp As DAO.Document
   Dim prpTemp As DAO.Property

   Set dbsNorthwind = DBEngine.OpenDatabase(".\NorthWind.mdb")

   Set docTemp = _
   Set prpTemp = docTemp.CreateProperty("KeepLocal", dbText, "T")

   docTemp.Properties.Append prpTemp

End Sub

Sub JROKeepObjectLocal()
   Dim repMaster As New JRO.Replica

   repMaster.ActiveConnection = ".\NorthWind.mdb"

   repMaster.SetObjectReplicability "Contacts", "Tables", False

   Set repMaster = Nothing
End Sub

This next example shows how to make a new object in a replica replicable.
Sub DAOMakeObjectReplicable(strTable As String)
   Dim dbsNorthwind As DAO.Database
   Dim tdfTemp As DAO.TableDef

   Set dbsNorthwind = DBEngine.OpenDatabase(".\NorthWind.mdb")
   Set tdfTemp = dbsNorthwind.TableDefs(strTable)

   On Error GoTo ErrHandler

   tdfTemp.Properties("Replicable") = "T"

   On Error GoTo 0


   Exit Sub


   Dim prpNew As DAO.Property

   If Err.Number = 3270 Then
      Set prpNew = tdfTemp.CreateProperty("Replicable", dbText, "T")
      tdfTemp.Properties.Append prpNew
      MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error
   End If
End Sub

Sub JROMakeObjectReplicable(strTable As String)
   Dim repMaster As New JRO.Replica

   repMaster.ActiveConnection = ".\NorthWind.mdb"

   repMaster.SetObjectReplicability strTable, "Tables", True

   Set repMaster = Nothing
End Sub

With DAO, two properties, Replicable and KeepLocal determine whether or not an object is or will be replicated. Use the KeepLocal property prior to making the database replicable to indicate that the object should not be made replicable when the database is made replicable. Use the Replicable property after the database is made replicable to indicate whether or not the object should be replicated. DAO requires you to create the properties using the CreateProperty method of the object's Properties collection before you can set them.
With JRO, the GetObjectReplicability and SetObjectReplicability methods are used, both before and after the database is made replicable, to determine or set whether the object is or will be replicated. The method takes the name of the object you wish to get or set replicability for, the type of the object, and a Boolean value that indicates whether it should be kept local or made replicable.
The following pseudocode is the algorithm for mapping the DAO KeepLocal and Replicable properties to the ADO ObjectReplicability.
If DAO.Database.Replicable = 'T'
   If DAO.Object.Replicable = 'T'
      JRO.ObjectReplicability = True
      JRO.ObjectReplicability = False
   If DAO.Object.KeepLocal = 'T'
      JRO.ObjectReplicability = False
      JRO.ObjectReplicability = True
