Open the database and execute the query. Loop through the recordset's
Fields array to get the field names and use them as column headers.
For each record in the Recordset, loop through the fields saving their values in the FlexGrid.
Source Code :
1. Form load
Option ExplicitDim i as integer
dim sSql as string
dim rs as New Adodb.Recordset
Private sub Initview()
sSql = " SELECT" & _
" Code, Firstname, Lastname, Address, City" & _
" FROM tbl_contact" & _
" WHERE Inactive = '" & Trim("Y") & "'"
GetRecordset Strcon, sSql,rs
With vsflist
If rs.RecordCount > 0 Then
.Rows = rs.RecordCount + 1
For i = 1 To .Rows - 1
.TextMatrix(i, .ColIndex("No")) = i
.TextMatrix(i, .ColIndex("code")) = IIf(IsNull(rs(0)) = True, "", rs(0))
.TextMatrix(i, .ColIndex("firstname")) = IIf(IsNull(rs(1)) = True, "", rs(1))
.TextMatrix(i, .ColIndex("lastname")) = IIf(IsNull(rs(2)) = True, "", rs(2))
.TextMatrix(i, .ColIndex("address")) = IIf(IsNull(rs(4)) = True, "", rs(4))
.TextMatrix(i, .ColIndex("city")) = IIf(IsNull(rs(5)) = True, "", rs(5))
Next i
.Rows = 1
End If
End With
End Sub
2. Module
Public Function GetRecordset(ByVal strcn As String, _ByVal strqry As String, _
rs As ADODB.Recordset) _
As Boolean
GetRecordset = False
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.Open strqry, strcn, adOpenKeyset
GetRecordset = rs.RecordCount
GetRecordset = True
If GetRecordset = False Then
Set rs = Nothing
End If
End Function