Often, a developer finds a need for a place to temporarily store some data, or wants some data to act like it came from a server so it can participate in data binding in a user interface.
ADO (in conjunction with the Cursor Service for
OLE DB) enables the developer to build an empty Recordset object
by specifying column information and calling Open. The
following code demonstrates this:
Sub ADOCreateRecordset()
Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
rst.CursorLocation = adUseClient
' Add Some Fields
rst.Fields.Append "dbkey", adInteger
rst.Fields.Append "field1", adVarChar, 40, adFldIsNullable
rst.Fields.Append "field2", adDate
' Create the Recordset
rst.Open , , adOpenStatic, adLockBatchOptimistic
' Add Some Rows
rst.AddNew Array("dbkey", "field1", "field2"), _
Array(1, "string1", Date)
rst.AddNew Array("dbkey", "field1", "field2"), _
Array(2, "string2", #1/6/1992#)
' Look at the values -
' a value of 1 for status column = newly record
Debug.Print "Status", "dbkey", "field1", "field2"
Do Until rst.EOF
Debug.Print rst.Status, rst!dbkey, rst!field1, rst!field2
' Commit the rows without ActiveConnection
' set resets the status bits
rst.UpdateBatch adAffectAll
' Change the first of the two rows
rst!field1 = "changed"
' Now look at the status, first row shows 2 (modified row),
' second shows 8 (no modifications)
' Also note that the OriginalValue property shows the value
' before the modification
Do Until rst.EOF
Debug.Print rst.Status, rst!dbkey, rst!field1, rst!field2
Debug.Print , rst!dbkey.OriginalValue, _
rst!field1.OriginalValue, rst!field2.OriginalValue
End Sub
Another feature of a creatable recordset is that
pending operations can be committed to the recordset. Any time UpdateBatch is called on a client cursor that has no ActiveConnection set, the changes in the affected row
(controlled by the AffectedRows parameter) will be
committed to the buffer and the Status flags will be
reset. The same applies to CancelBatch, except the
changes in the buffer will be reverted and the flag will be reset.